For Non-Japanese Corporations, Institutions and Supranational Organizations, Konomi, Inc:
- Invites Japanese Investors to participate in fund management programs outside Japan, including buy-out funds, venture capital, oil and gas drilling investment, and real estate investment programs.
- Advises securities issuers about Japanese capital markets and the Euro-yen market.
- Arranges long-term financing (both U.S. dollar and Japanese yen-denominated funds) in Japanese capital markets. This includes formulating financing strategies and negotiating terms on clients' behalf.
Joint Ventures
- Locates Japanese business partners for research and development, production, and/or marketing, and negotiates joint venture agreements on clients' behalf.
Mergers and Acquisitions
- Locates Japanese buyers of a client's interest and executes sale transactions.
Project Financing
- Introduces Japanese companies and governmental agencies to projects overseas, either as equity participants or as lenders of long-term funds.
Real Estate
- Locates Japanese Buyers of real estate in the U.S., Europe, Canada or Australia, and executes sales transactions.
- Locates Japanese sellers of real estate in Japan, and executes purchase transactions.